国际公共事物学会(IASC)是一个国际性学术组织,致力于聚集并促进跨学科、跨区域和不同资源研究领域的研究者、实践者和政策制定者之间的交流,以深入理解和创新公共池塘资源、公共资源和各类共享资源的可持续利用,促进适当的制度设计,改善治理和资源管理,阻止“公地悲剧”的发生。IASC前身是1989年成立的公共产权网络(IASCP),2009年诺贝尔经济学奖得主埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom)是创始人之一,现在册会员有1000多人和机构。
IASC每两年举办一次全球规模的国际大会,第17届双年会将于2019年7月1-5日在秘鲁利马(Lima, Peru)举行,主题为“保卫公共事物:挑战、创新和行动”。本次会议的主办方是秘鲁天主教大学社会科学院和哥伦比亚波哥大洛斯安第斯大学经济学院。
Ø 2018年10月15日(周一)为摘要提交最后期限。
Ø 2019年1月31日前将会通知是否被录用的情况。
Ø 2019年5月15日前完成会议注册。
Ø 2019年6月20日前提交论文全文。
1. 在IASC会议注册系统注册账户;
2. 由于现在国内提交会出现403 Forbidden页面,我们正与会议主办方沟通此技术问题,因此,请各位同行先准备论文,待技术解决,我们将通过微信公众号等形式告诉大家;
3. 选择分论坛论文提交(“中国乡村振兴:公共事物治理的视角”的论文选择“Track 4”,“不同情境下公共事物治理的设计原则”的论文选择“Track 1”);
4. 填写论文题目、摘要及其他必须信息,并以分论坛ID号为第一个关键词(“中国乡村振兴:公共事物治理的视角”的论文填写#(待定),“不同情境下公共事物治理的设计原则”的论文填写#(待定))。
邮件标题请标注“IASC 2019中国分论坛投稿”
所提交的论文将被“公共资源数字图书馆(Digital Library on the Commons)”(http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/dlc/)收藏。
欢迎提前到今年10月13日清华大学公共管理学院主办的2018 Commons Workshop上发表预演,和与会同行探讨研究的推进。如有此意愿的同行,请在9月30日以前将中英文摘要或全文以邮件附件形式发至tsinghuacommons@163.com,并在邮件标题注明“2018 Commons Workshop – IASC 2019快速通道”。此10月会议的招稿公告见:http://www.sppm.tsinghua.edu.cn/english/Semimars/26efe489656fab9101657aa16e620003.html
The International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC),founded in 1989 as The International Association for the Study of CommonProperty (IASCP), is devoted to bringing together multi-disciplinary,multi-area, multi-type resource-study researchers, practitioners andpolicymakers for the purpose of advancing understanding, and creatingsustainable solutions, promoting appropriate institutional design, improvinggovernance and management, and preventing from “the tragedy of the commons” forcommons, common-pool resources, or any other form of shared resource. E.Ostrom, the owner of 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics, was one of the founders ofthe IASC, the number of whose members has been over 1000 persons andinstitutes.
IASC holds global conferences every two years. The XVIIthBiennial Conference of the IASC will be held Lima, Peru, from 1 to 5 July 2019,with the theme of “In Defense of the Commons: Challenges, Innovation, andAction”. The meeting will be hosted by Faculty of Social Sciences of thePontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima (PUCP) and Departmentof Economics of the Los Andes University, Bogotá, Colombia.
The XVIIth Conference invites all of scholars from China whoare interested in commons studies. The School of Public Policy Management andthe China Institute for Rural Studies at Tsinghua University will organizestudents and researchers to join in this conference with two panels – “China’sRural Revitalization: A Perspective of Commons” and “Design Principals ofCommons Governance in Various Contexts” – welcome all research elites withgranting papers related to the panels and joining in the conference together.
Call for paperabstracts for two panels organized by Prof.Yahua WANG from School ofPublic Policy Management at Tsinghua University.
The aim of this session is to explore the commons issues and the application of the commonstheory in China’s rural revitalization practice. Rural decline is a worldwidetrend, including rural commons governance waned, common-pool resourceabandoned, and development dynamic lost. In 2018,the Chinese government proposed theStrategy of Rural Revitalization (SRR) to challenge the worldwide dilemma ofthe rural decline. Following research questions will be welcome.
Are there any commons issues in China’s rural governance? And what are they? Whatare the drivers and mechanisms in the China’s rural decline?
How does China solve rural decline problems? What is the most difficult matter in the solution and experience?
Are there any possible pathways for outsiders to facilitate rural internalrevitalized sustainably?
How shall we design policy and institutional system to achieve successfulcollective action in China’s rural revitalization?
Are there any lessons or experiences from the other countries to help China’s ruralrevitalization practice?
Whatcan China’s experience of the SRR inspire the rest of the world forrevitalizing the world’s countryside?
Keywords: China, rural revitalization, rural commons, forest, graze, water
The objective of this panel is to share the study of design principles for governing the commonsin various contexts. Based on comparing various cases of self-governingsmall-scale common-pool resource, Prof. Elinor Ostrom provided another approachto solve the dilemma of commons governance, which is different from privatization and nationalization, and concluded eight design principles forsuccessful governance. However, there will be different necessary mechanismsfor successful institutions under diverse contextual variables, e.g. resourcemobility and storage, resource endowment, resource scale, user group size, usermigration, socio-economic change pace, political and technological conditions.This panel will concern research questions as follows.
How can institutional outcomes be defined and measured for diverse commons, and howcan the design principle matter?
How can the configurations of the design principles be understood?
What is/are the necessary design principles for different kinds of commons or invarious scales?
What contextual variables will influence performances of commons governance, andhow?
Underdiverse contexts, which configuration of the design principles is necessary forthe commons governance?
How can we research and compare institutional configurations of the designprinciples in different cases, and what kind of research methods can work well?
Keywords: governance context, design principals, performance assessment,international comparison
Key timelines:
Abstract submission deadline: 15thOct. 2018 (Mon.).
Acceptation notification date: 31stJan. 2019(Thu.).
Author registration deadline: 15thMay 2019 (Wed.).
Full paper submission deadline: 20thJun. 2019(Thu.).
Processfor the panel-paper abstract submission
1.Signup an account in the IASC Conference Registration system:
2.Becausethere is a problem that a webpage of “403 Forbidden” will occur aftersubmission through the access in mainland China, the panel abstracts can not besubmitted yet. We are communicating with the conference secretariat on thetechnical problem. If it is overcome, we will let you know through our WeChatpublic account or any other approaches.
3.Choose“Panel-related Paper” as the session type; and if the paper related to the “China’sRural Revitalization: A Perspective of Commons”, please choose “Track 4” as the conference track, while if the paperrelated to the “Design Principals of Commons Governance in Various Contexts”,please choose “Track 1” as the conference track.
4.Fill withtitle, abstract, and other information – especially, if the paper related tothe “China’s Rural Revitalization: A Perspective of Commons”, please fill with“#(Pending)” as the first Key word, while if the paper related to the “DesignPrincipals of Commons Governance in Various Contexts”, please fill with “#(Pending)”as the first Key word.
Facilitator of the panels
Please contact the facilitator of thepanels, Dr. Jingning KANG, before your submission.
Dr. Jingning KANG, tsinghuacommons@163.com
Financial issues
Expenditures of participation should bepaid by authors.
There will be a number of grants availableto delegates from the Global South and to PhD-students which will comprise a waiverof the conference fee, free accommodation during the conference (arrival onMonday, departure on Saturday), participation in the conference events(pre-conference workshop, dinner, excursion) and – depending on the grant – alimited contribution to travel costs. Authors of accepted abstracts willreceive notice before 31 January 2019 explaining the application procedure fora grant. Please note that reimbursements of costs related to a grant are madeafter presentation of the paper at the conference only.
Conference fees will be announced via theconference website www.iasc2017.org in the fall of 2018 and will beincome-dependent, but they will also be substantially lower for members of theIASC. Register now as IASC-member via
https://membership.iasc-commons.organd start benefiting right away from your IASC-membership.
Other issues
All abstracts should be submitted via theIASC Conference Registration system
All submissions should be in English(either US or UK spelling are allowed).
The text of your abstract should be nolonger than 500 words (includingreferences) and entered as flat-text.
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by atleast two selected reviewers.
Please notice that by submitting yourpaper, you will allow the paper to be included into the Digital Library on theCommons (http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/dlc/).
According to the organization rules of theIASC 2019, there are two conditions for panel acceptance:
(1)Panels will onlybe included in the program if at least three individual papers are accepted bythe reviewers, and only if all authors have registered by 15 May 2019;
(2) Ifpanel is accepted but not all authors have registered in time, the organizerswill allocate the papers of registered authors to other panels, if this ispossible. Hence, we need to make efforts together to build consensus the Chinese academic network of the commons studies and enhance the researches and practices in governing the commons.
Welcome the paper which wants to besubmitted to the Chinese Panels on IASC 2019 to pre-discussion on the 2018Commons Workshop, held by the School of Public Policy and Management, TsinghuaUniversity, on October 13, 2018. The announcement of the Workshop is published on http://www.sppm.tsinghua.edu.cn/english/Semimars/26efe489656fab9101657aa16e620003.html
If you want to attend the pre-discussion, please send your abstract bySeptember 30, via email to tsinghuacommons@163.com with the email subject “2018 Commons Workshop – IASC 2019 freeway”.
我们是国际公共事物学会的一个子页 © 保留所有权利
We are a Chapter of the International Association for the Study of the Commons