




  1. 产权与公共事物治理;
  2. 公共事物治理的中国经验;
  3. 传统公共事物(如灌溉、土地、森林、草原、渔业资源等)的治理;
  4. 新兴公共事物(城市公共区域、互联网、大气环境、共享经济、知识等)的治理.







    (1) 2018年9月10日前,请下载附件的摘要提交表格,填写表格,以word附件形式电邮会议组委会:tsinghuacommons@163.com;

    (2) 2018年9月10日至9月30日间,请下载附件的全文格式模板,按照格式编辑全文,以word附件形式电邮会议组委会:tsinghuacommons@163.com。


    (1) 所有提交都必须是英文或中文的(英文优先)。

    (2) 摘要的文本长度在200-300词,全文的文本长度在7000-10000词(含参考文献、注释、摘要和图表)。

    (3) 会上宣讲时间为15分钟,可以使用ppt、音视频等多媒体方式展示。

    (4) 达到英文发表水平的宣讲论文将推荐向国际期刊《国际公共事物学报》(International Journal of the Commons)投稿。根据宣读论文的数量和质量,高水平论文将考虑结集出版。

     2018 Commons Workshop will be held on 13th October 2018 at School ofPublic Policy and Management, Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. This is thefirst professional academic conference of China around commons and the theme ofthis year’s workshop is the 50th Anniversary of “Governing the Commons”. Thisworkshop is organized by the School of Public Policy and Management at TsinghuaUniversity. Prof. Yahua Wang, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy andManagement, Tsinghua University, will chair this workshop.

       According to the typical classification of the Western economics, thecommons narrowly refer to the common-pool resources of difficult exclusion andhigh subtractability, including irrigation, land, forest, grassland, fisheryand so on. A broader concept of the commons has been developed to sharedresources, such as city commons, internet, climate, shared economy andknowledge. The study of the commons is a relatively new research field inChina. This field comprises of an interdisciplinary domain with a theoreticaland an applied focus on advancing understanding, the improvement of commonsgovernance and management, and the crafting of sustainable solutions forcommunity-based natural resources or any other form of shared resources. The Commons Workshop is a knowledge platform that aims to bring togetherresearchers, practitioners and policymakers from different disciplines and sectorsin order to discuss, understand, and promote the study of commons in China aswell as in the rest of the world.

      In the 50th anniversary of “Governing the Commons”, 2018 Commons Workshopfocuses on the practice, policy and theory of the commons governance under the Chinese contexts. China has a lot of good traditions in governing the commons,but entering the new century, the commons governance and policy in China isfacing new challenges due to rapid economic growth and urbanization thateducated middle class and expanding affluent people have steadily growingdemand of resource uses for a better standard of living and quality of life.The Workshop will invite the leading scholars well-known worldwide in thisprofessional field to deliver keynote speeches, but also invite scholars toexplore the commons governance in China and promote the discipline constructionand policy application.

     We welcome papers andabstracts in English or Chinese (English is priority) with a focus on Chinesecommons governance, innovation and transition in China, including:

  1. Property rights and governing the commons;
  2. Governing the commons in China;
  3. Governing the traditional commons (e.g. irrigation, land, forest,grassland, fishery …);
  4. Governing the emergence commons (e.g. city commons, internet,climate, shared economy, knowledge …).

Submission Guidelines

Key timelines

        Abstract collectiondeadline: 10th Sep. 2018 (Mon.)

        Full paper collectiondeadline: 30th Sep. 2018 (Sun.).

        Workshop time: 13th Oct.2018 (Sat.).

● Process for the abstract and full paper submission

        1. By 10th. Sep. 2018, please downloadthe Annex and fill the “2018 commons workshop- abstract submission form.doc” and email the .doc document with attachment tothe Workshop Secretariat: tsinghuacommons@163.com;

        2. During 10th. Sep. and 30th Sep., pleasedownload the “2018 commons workshop – full paper guidance.doc” and prepare yourfull paper with the guidance, emailing the .doc document with attachment to theWorkshop Secretariat: tsinghuacommons@163.com.

● Financial issues
        For participants whose papers areaccepted for presentation at the workshop, conference registration fee iswaived. Please note fare, accommodation and food are self-funded byparticipants.

● Issues of submission, presentation and publication
        (1) All submissions should be inEnglish (either US or UK spelling are allowed) or Chinese (English is priority).
        (2) The text of your abstract should be200-300 words and the full paper should be 7000-10000 words (includingreferences, footnotes, abstracts and figures/tables).
        (3) The presentation on the Workshopwill last between 15minutes, and PowerPoint, videos and audios can be used.
        (4) The presented English papers thatmeet publication standards will be recommended to submit to International Journal of the Commons.Papers will also be considered to be published on an edited book depending onthe quality and quantity of presented papers.